
Since 1977 Sound Dymax Inc. has designed, installed and serviced World Class audio/video and lighting systems across Canada, The United States and Europe. At Dymax we recognize that the most important part of technology is a strong and knowledgeable team; we are proud of the established professionals who have been dedicated to our business and our customers.

At Dymax we provide systems which are customized to our clients needs and their individual businesses, specializing in designs for the commercial, fitness and entertainment sectors. We offer cutting edge technologies with provisions to ensure that our clients' growing needs and requests can be adapted in the future. We work one-on-one with our clients to design and build the systems that fulfill their requirements. Dymax has developed strategic alliances with established manufacturers. We develop and integrate new products to offer our customers the very best in audio, video and lighting systems.

Our worldwide experience includes the design and build of a monitored paging audio system for 120 zones throughout five buildings in the Moscow World Trade Center. In addition, Dymax designed and installed a sound, video and lighting system for the Metelista Casino in Moscow.

In 1991 Dymax installed the audio system for Canadian Airline lounges in terminal three at Pearson International Airport.

Dymax augmented the paging system at the CN Tower, the World's largest freestanding structure.

DYMAX :: in the news

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